Dear Friends everywhere,

My apologies for the long delay in getting another newsletter out.  I was hoping to switch to a better service, but haven't made it happen yet, so we'll us this one again.

Brenda had her birthday yesterday and about two hundred wrote her on Facebook to wish her a happy birthday.  Thanks so much to all her precious friends.

Before I forget, let me just say that if you use for any reason, including Christmas shopping, you can bless KSC by using the website, which has the same products and prices as the regular website.  You can register once with the charity of your choice and about .5% will go to our ministry account every time you order through  Of course, you might want to check out our books on that service as well.  Hint, hint!!!  Of course they can be downloaded for free on most ebook sites, but if you prefer the real book you can hold in your hand and underline etc, would be a great place to shop.


It's very easy to get fearful and lose hope when you watch the advance of ISIS, the acceleration of the war on Christianity, and the moral decline of America and the Western World, etc., etc.  The recent ISIS attacks in Paris not long after the downing of an airlines jet, highlight the dangerous world we live in and the fact that satan's forces are in full press mode. 

However, if we can step back and ask God to open our spiritual eyes of understanding, we will be filled with not only faith and hope, but also with excitement.  Many have been taught that the excitement is about the fact that Jesus is coming to take us out of the troubles via the rapture.  Actually, my excitement is that while the enemy is at work, God has a bigger plan and sees the bigger picture. 

The frightening events happening on the earth are going to be used by God to bring people to a position of need and desperation for protection and deliverance.  Israel didn't come out of Egypt until they were groaning in slavery.  Jews didn't return to their homeland until after the Holocaust.  America didn't become a free nation until they were severely oppressed by Britain.  God didn't cause the pain and suffering, but he turned the devil's worst attacks into something that brought great blessing to those who inherited the land.

God wants to bring America and the world out of the slavery to atheistic education and immorality.  He will use the fear and anxiety to open hearts to some good news from Christians who have their gifts ready to serve others.  We are seeing it happening more and more. 

God is increasing His anointing on His servants - those who really want to build His Kingdom, not their own.  He is raising up ministry training schools everywhere.  We have ministered in several of these this past year.

He is using more and more women leaders.  Women tend to be more servant-hearted than men.  We have close relationships as spiritual parents to at least a dozen women pastors and leaders in ministry these days.

But whether He uses a man or a woman, He is increasing the anointing on their gifts and preparing them to minister to hungry, thirsty souls who don't know where to turn.  Even the coming transfer of wealth will create needs for some who will lose their wealth and have nowhere to turn but to their Christian neighbors.

The BIG PICTURE then, is that the church of Jesus Christ is going to be empowered to combat the fear and dread of the enemies advances.  In fact, great victories over the enemy and radical Islam will be accomplished through prayer and miraculous answers to prayer.  Many more Muslims will be saved and many violent attacks will be thwarted by gifts of knowledge and wisdom and supernatural interventions. 

Instead of escaping the living hell on earth via the rapture, we will bring more of Heaven to earth and bring in the Great, Great Harvest of souls and prepare the Bride for her Bridegroom.  We will see more miracles in the days ahead than ever before in our lifetime, and we will experience God's powerful presence and consuming love in unprecedented ways.  If some of us die a martyr's death, it will be a great honor and highly rewarded in Heaven.  We can't lose, and the devil can't win.  Hallelujah!!!

God bless you all and have a great Thanksgiving!

Ben and Brenda Peters


October 6, 2015

Brenda and I returned to our California residence yesterday afternoon, and were suddenly reminded that much of California does not participate in the normal seasonal changes that we grew up with.  So it's back to shorts and T-shirts again, until our next trip later this month to Ohio.  We do know it will cool down later, so we will get Autumn weather in Januaryand February.  Our ten day forecast has nine days in the low 90's F.

Meanwhile, we have to report that our trip was hugely blessed by God.  We met such wonderful new friends and renewed relationships with some previous friends.  The anointing was consistently strong on both of us and we heard many great testimonies of God's touch on people's lives.  The hospitality and generosity of our Canadian friends was outstanding and we have to thank God so much for allowing us the privilege of ministering to them.

This may be our last newsletter using our current newsletter service.  We hope to transition soon to a better company.  If we don't get another newsletter out soon, it will be because I'll be learning a new system.


Pray for Canada and their elections this month.  They have a Christian Prime Minister from Calgary, named Stephen Harper, but he's being challenged by others with different values.  Harper is one of the strongest supporters of Israel in the world.

Pray for America and another Great Awakening.  We are in a new season, filled with turmoil, change and shakings. It's a season that God can use greatly for His Kingdom advantage.  We need to pray like never before and join in unity with all Christians who want God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

One of the strongest messages God has given me in the past couple of months is the message on the storms the disciples experienced on the Sea of Galilee.  The prophetic word I received from the two different situations is that God is going to use the storms to unite His people.  Even those who didn't believe in miracles or didn't value His presence, will be doing the miracles themselves and loving His presence more than they ever imagined. 

As always, I want to encourage you to pray for the political process, that Christians would value the opportunity to choose leaders to represent them, knowing that leaders do lead, whether toward God and His ways, or away from Him and His ways.  While we still have some very good choices, let's let our voices be heard.  It's sad when it comes down to choosing the lesser of two or three evils.  It's usually our fault, because we were to busy or lazy to get involved when we had the better choices.  I won't name my favorites here, but if you email me, or Facebook message me, I'd be happy to discuss the candidates privately, if I find the time. 

I may not have answered everyone's letters while we were on the road.  We didn't always have internet access and our schedules were somewhat hectic.  However, I should be able to catch up in the next couple of weeks, so if you didn't get an answer, try resending your message.  Thanks for understanding.

Blessings and love to all,

Ben and Brenda