P.O. Box 25,  Genoa, IL 60135            November 29, 2015

Greetings Dear Friends

November and December are very eventful for Brenda and me.  Brenda's birthday is in November just before Thanksgiving and mine is in December, two weeks before Christmas.  It makes for a lot of special times with each other and family.  This Thanksgiving, we were with our firstborn son, Ken and his wife, Valencia, who pastor two churches in Washington State, plus four totally awesome grandkids.  Just before that we spent a little time at the assisted living center where Brenda's 93 year-old mom lives.  We don't know how long she'll be able to stay there with the level of memory loss, etc. she's experiencing, but we do appreciate your prayers for her.  Her name is Joyce Pinkerton.

Christmas is coming in less than four weeks and for Brenda, this is the greatest time of the year.  It's her excuse to give and give and give some more.  But, it's also our reminder of the Giver of Life, Himself, who gave His only Son, so that we could be forgiven and accepted into eternal life.  Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we should have no lack of reminders to be thankful for what God has given us. 

If you'd like a unique gift for someone, I have a great suggestion:  My dear friend and son in the faith, Jonathan Seiver, has written a wonderful book, based on a series of visions that God gave him.  It reads much like Pilgrim's Progress, and would be great for older children and adults.  It's called, THE PALACE.  I wrote the foreword and Randy Clark and others gave endorsements.  You can go online to and type in The Palace, Jonathan Seiver, and you'll find it for sale, both real book and Ebook versions.  If you haven't registered to support a charity like KSC, you can do that first and then we'll get a wee kickback from your purchase, which won't cost you a penny more. 

If you prefer, you can just click on this long link:

ALSO, would anyone like a good deal for books for your pastor or leader, I'm working on a pastor's packet, that would be very inexpensive (basically our cost) and something they might really appreciate.  Please reply to this email if you are interested.

(Special Note:  KSC has now added the Pastor's Christmas Gift Pack to our Books section under the RESOURCES tab for only a $14.95 donation)

Stay thankful and watch and pray and God prepares this nation and the world for the greatest harvest we've ever seen.

Yours for the Kingdom,

Ben and Brenda Peters